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GHRP-2 (Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide-2), also called pralmorelin, is a synthetic hexapeptide growth hormone-releasing peptide (GHRP), which acts on the hypothalamus and pituitary to release growth hormone and ha…

Ipamorelin for Weight Loss and Bodybuilding

Ipamorelin for Weight Loss and Bodybuilding

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Ipamorelin, also called pentapeptide, is a simple peptide consisting of 5 amino acids. It is not a growth hormone itself, but a compound that can promote and trigger the production of growth hormone in the human pituitary.

Human Growth Hormone HGH Peptide for Bodybuilding

Human Growth Hormone HGH Peptide for Bodybuilding

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Human growth hormone is good for many things, including exercise, weight management, sleep, and stress. That’s why, now more and more people choose to use human growth hormone supplements when they are exercising and gaining muscle.